Saturday 15 June 2024


 Building the new hull to replace Katie Beardie grinds on. It often seems that the closer you get to completion the more things slow down. All those seemingly last minute jobs which are all on the critical path seem to stack up causing a log-jam near the finish.  Of course that's not what's happening, its just anticipation winning over poor planning.  

A couple of months ago we, a couple of granddaughters and I managed to haul the new hull out into the daylight for the first time. A major step to get her on her trolly and mobile for a change. 

I could then get on with the list of issues which needed resolving, things like how to steer and what angle the aks needed to be set at so that the amas will fly at the right height. 

Admittedly there was a bit of guess work required here, and we will have to see how things go when she's on the water.  Everything can be adjusted if required.  

With the akas horizontal the weight of the amas tends to pull them down, and guessing where the loaded waterline was likely to be meant both amas were probably going to be well in the water. I decided to cant them up by about five degrees which I think will work out fine. As the boat heels the windward ama should be out of the water. You might say  its all calculated  guesswork  at this stage. 

Another major issue is transportation.  Katie Beardie used to ride on the roof of my Volvo but there's no way she was going on the top of the van. I'd devised a way of converting the road base of my combi trailer to take Katie.  A long extension on the draw bar and a removable cradle did the trick.  

However that trailer was sold away with The Coot so the road base for Sistership had to be pressed into service.  The old cradle was modified to fit and this time the bow sits in a snubber attached to the winch post keeping it out of the way of the spare wheel.  

There are internal bulkheads at the weight bearing points on the hull. 

And finally, that name.  I read "The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant the Un-Believer" by Stephen Donaldson  more years ago than I care to admit. One of his characters "Saltheart Foamfollower" stuck in my memory, and I always thought it would be a great name for a boat, if I ever built one long enough.     

I can feel launch day getting close . 


Anonymous said...

Love the shape and the finish, is she your own design. What’s the sail size🤔
I can’t stay still in my canoe, am always moving around to balance her even with amas. Friend Robin has bigger amas and stays seated.

Graham Neil said...

HI Sorry for the delay in replying. Thank you, Yes It's my own design based on Katie Beardie which was designed by my friend Chris Waite. The sail area is around 35-40 sq ft. I think she'd be happy with a bit more, maybe I'll do some experimenting when I get the time.