Sunday 26 August 2012

Beneath Still Waters

I'm just back from Cobnor. 

Some of the lucky souls will be there until Tuesday.

It was a truly fantastic week.

Great weather, great company and lots of good sailing. 

Question,- What's grey and white, wet, and wears my shorts? 

Answer,- Cee Dubbs capsize testing Polly Wee. 


Friday 17 August 2012

Its Cobnor Week.

Its time for the annual Dinghy Cruising Association, camping and sailing week in Chichester Harbour.  Coot has been given a fresh coat of Varnol, and is all spruced up and ready to go. 

The cooler is full of beer and super noodles and I've fixed the puncture in my Thermarest.

I'll try to remember and take some photographs while I'm there and will report back later. 

Chichester Harbour is only about an hour away from home which is quite convenient as  I need to be back in Southampton on Wednesday night. 

I'm going to see Richard Thompson in concert at The Brook.  So specially for Dory Man and all you Thompson fans out there, here is Britain's greatest songwriter/guitarist in concert at Celtic Connections in Glasgow last year.  I hope those of you abroad can see this.