Wednesday, 4 July 2012

Messing about on the River part 1

Paradox Pete, whose Paradox Johanna won most innovative boat at last year's Beale Park Boat Show, was often seen with his eyeball to the viewfinder as he cruised effortlessly down the river on the Thames Raid, whilst those of us with more mundane forms of propulsion were thrashing against the wind.  Pete has posted his work on You tube and I shamelessly re-post it here. 

This is day one, starting from the abysmal Marina at Lechlade where the facilities were nothing short of squalid but had to be endured as the only slip available, but ending at Shifford Lock which is a haven of tranquillity, with free showers included.  The weather as you will see was quite benign, Pete has promised to post film of the following days when things got a bit livelier. 
Look out for Katie making a few cameo appearances.

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