The stalwarts of the HBBR braved the bleak summer weather to meet up at Cotswold Water Park for what has become an annual fixture on the Calander. Full details can be had on the UK-HBBR link. The weather wasn't exactly brilliant but it did stay mainly dry on Saturday and a bit better on the Sunday. Unfortunatly there was a very noisy Corporate Event in the next field which went on until 3.30am. Then the Triathlon which was happening on our site kicked off at about 7.00am so it was a very bleary eyed group who gathered around the shore on Sunday morning.

Being without a "proper" boat I took my canoe variously known as B&Q, Polythene Pam, etc, and I must say had great fun pootleing up and down the lake. Sailing conditions were just about perfect with a nice gentle breeze blowing across the water. The canoe was a bit reluctant to tack, getting caught in Irons a few times, some felt that the dagger board is a bit too far forward, so the R & D dept will have to look at that during the off season. It should be a fairly busy winter as I've ordered the Coot kit from Alex Jordan and its due to arrive on Friday. I'll try to record progress on the build a bit more frequently than of late. 

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