Sunday, 21 February 2010


There is a lot of sage writing around concerning boat-building. And in my ever-so-humble, quite a lot of it is sanctimonious drivel.  There are expansive tomes scribed by experts, articles scribbled by amatuers, and bloggs beaten together by blaggers who barely know one end of a boat from another but they all agree that you can never have enough cramps.

 So why is it I only have three?

 You can see them above doing their best to hold a seat riser in place when they are obviously too short to reach, you have to learn to be imaginitive when fitting out a boat.

I do however have quite a few of those big clothes-peg thingys Iain Oughtred favours.
Down below you can see them being pressed or is it sprung into service on the other riser.

A load of old lead weights liberated from HM Cartographic office are holding the floors down while the epoxy goes off.

But in a moment of excitement I started to think about the gunwales and I have to admit defeat.  They are so springy i think I'll have to give in and buy some more cramps. 
The Centreboard case isn't glued down yet, but we're getting dangerously close, maybe tomorrow.  

When I started this build I was confident that I would crack on and get it done in quick- time.
I started just around the time I found out I was going to be a Grandad.

Well just to remind me how long it is taking, guess who had her first birthday yesterday!

Many happy returns Brooke


Richard said...

What a smart looking kid.
By the way what sort of a writter are you.. I fall bellow the later. Have a great spring.

Graham Neil said...

She's smarter than her Grampy that's for certain. I'm definitely a blog blagger, with an interesting line in speling.