Friday, 18 October 2013

Five Go Wild in The New Forest.

My very good friend JP hit 60 in August and retired from HM Map Factory after a long and very illustrious career.  To help him celebrate and to kick off what we hope will become a regular thing some of his old colleagues joined him in a bike ride in The New Forest yesterday. 

Some of us used to do this 20 years ago so it was good to re-visit old haunts.  We had the free-wheeling competition on Hampton Ridge, and the ritual Fording of the stream at Ogdens.  

Between the five of us we did over 175 years at Ordnance Survey and between us on Thursday we had exactly one map and no compass. Which pretty much sums things up. We stopped for Haribo along the way. 

 We did get slightly lost but the smell of beer seemed to guide us to the pub. 

A Brilliant Day 

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